The World Tree

Gateway to the Unknown

Thought of the Day

Tabetha Berry

It is instinctual from a very young age to help others.  To comfort someone crying, even if we don’t know them, to offer a peppy word to boost the moral of someone, give a simple smile to a passer by lost in deep thought.  We know we should always do for others, but do you realize you should be doing this for you too? When going out of your way to make someone feel better, try to remember, you’re “someone” too.  Making a comfort food, offering yourself a smile in the mirror, thinking a positive thought, playing some upbeat music, all these things are things we’d do for our fellow man.  So why not for ourselves? Is it selfish? Not at all!! If we cannot help ourselves, we rarely are any good at helping anyone else. 

6 of Pentacles

Tarot CardsTabetha Berry

“Share the wealth” is a very old saying and isn’t necessarily all about money. You can have a wealth of knowledge, of love, compassion, enlightenment, food, friendship, and on and on. Today I was reminded of this when, coincidentally, I came across the Six of Pentacles. As one of my most favorite teachers, Avia Venefica, states: “Life is symbolic, start interpreting”, and so the power of visual hints take form. As I sit here with my mind boggling over a “laundry list of to-do’s”, yet struggling to keep my eyes open, the first word that hits me square on is “BALANCE”. You get out of life what you put into it, a true Karma directive, and so – be mindful of what you’re putting out there! Do you want MORE aimless exhaustion and demands of time and energy brought upon you? No? Then take on your tasks with energy and preparedness, and you will get that back in return. Are you worried about finances, or “how to” to improve certain aspects of your life? Then focus on finding the SOLUTION, no what the lack of having one is doing to you. The Universe is FULL of knowledge and answers for the taking, and your Guides have not abandoned you, they’re the ones holding the door open! So free your mind, find your balance, center yourself, and seek the symbols that are the clues to your desired pathway…

In much love and light!

We Are

Tabetha Berry

There are many times I feel as if I’m drifting…caught between worlds of perceived reality and creations of my own expectations. Floating aimlessly, untethered and disconnected…a figment of someones imagination.  Is it an illusion? Am I a victim of my own personification manipulation?  The questions of who am I, where am I going, why am I here, never seem to end.  No matter how many self-help books I read or balanced I think I’ve become, the sequence of doubt runs constantly in the back of my mind like a computer program constantly chewing on data in search of answers.  Draining the central processor of the organic motherboard in my head and overloading my memory with fragmented bits known as life.

I am tired. I exhale.

Tired of what, was heard in the dead stillness between breath.  It caught me off guard.  I was in charge here, floating throughout my loneliness in this one man ship sailing to nowhere.  Or…was I?

The truth is, we are never alone. The human ego creates limitations, expectations and tribulations that in turn creates the illusion of discord.  Struggling, even when we are not in a position of struggle keeps our organic cpu running, chewing on data, seeking answers.  What we forget to see, however, is we are the creator of this being we inhabit.  Oh yes, the Almighty is the alpha and the omega, but he made us in his image – and therefore, by default – we too are creators.

That feeling of isolation is part of the fear factor generated to teach us survival.  We cannot be divided, separated, segregated or any other adjective our two dimensional being throws at us.  Primarily we are an active/reactive being equipped with the ability to learn and adapt to our environment.  But what determines the environment we find ourselves? This is where our Higher Mind comes to play.  This is where our Creator comes forth…through free will and choice.

It is our will and choice that brings us to the very place we stand – or sit – at this very single moment.  You and I, together looking at one another through this blurry page of written words and racing thoughts…you squinting and focusing closer to every letter your cornea detects…me with my fingers gently tapping out a code of connection with every single key stroke.  Electronically connecting one soul to the next, filling the gap of aimlessness.  Allowing the Creator within to see what is illusion and what is choice.

I inhale.  I am not alone.

In fact with all that is and all that ever will be, I simply AM. Together, in an existence that is whole, complete and unidimensional, simply WE ARE. And therefore, with that said and my palm held flush on the monitor over this page, I say good night.  Signing off for now, but ever only a tiny little electrical Universal impulse – or thought – away.