The World Tree

Gateway to the Unknown

6 of Pentacles

Tarot CardsTabetha Berry

“Share the wealth” is a very old saying and isn’t necessarily all about money. You can have a wealth of knowledge, of love, compassion, enlightenment, food, friendship, and on and on. Today I was reminded of this when, coincidentally, I came across the Six of Pentacles. As one of my most favorite teachers, Avia Venefica, states: “Life is symbolic, start interpreting”, and so the power of visual hints take form. As I sit here with my mind boggling over a “laundry list of to-do’s”, yet struggling to keep my eyes open, the first word that hits me square on is “BALANCE”. You get out of life what you put into it, a true Karma directive, and so – be mindful of what you’re putting out there! Do you want MORE aimless exhaustion and demands of time and energy brought upon you? No? Then take on your tasks with energy and preparedness, and you will get that back in return. Are you worried about finances, or “how to” to improve certain aspects of your life? Then focus on finding the SOLUTION, no what the lack of having one is doing to you. The Universe is FULL of knowledge and answers for the taking, and your Guides have not abandoned you, they’re the ones holding the door open! So free your mind, find your balance, center yourself, and seek the symbols that are the clues to your desired pathway…

In much love and light!